Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Constitution of Corruption
Ex commisioner:Bheki Cele

By Nicole Hodnett

We all have The Right to human dignity, achievement of equality and the advancement of human rights and freedoms. The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa depicts South Africa as an open society in which government is based on the will of the people and every citizen is protected by law.

Artwork by:Kim Berman (South African artist)
According to iolnews, recently fired ex commissioner General Bheki Cele, used the alleged words “shoot to kill “that sent outrage amongst the citizens of South Africa.

The Centre for the study of Violence and Reconciliation state the reason for police brutality is due to negligent police management, poor training and disrespect for law and order.

The Dialogue among Civilisations project depicts Freedom of Expression through art and poetry. An art piece by Kim Berman is a perfect representation of police brutality in South Africa. Her art work also represents a time in South Africa when xenophobic violence spread like an epidemic across the African border.

According to World report 2012, South Africa continues to grapple with corruption and growing social economic inequalities.

Attacks on Freedom of expression and the tampering of media independence particularly by the African National Congress raised concerns about government commitment to the protection of basic and political rights.


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